May this be the season of answered prayers...Speak it as if it is so!
A fail-proof method to honor yourself and your emotions is to jot them down, practice self-affirmation, pray, and cultivate gratitude. When used together daily, this practice can be life-changing. My prayer and gratitude journal is the most effective and simple tool I use to stay focused, hold myself accountable, and gain clarity in life.
Prayer changes things! The power of prayer moves the hands that rule the heavens and the earth. Never underestimate the power that your prayers hold. God is always listening. In John 15:7, 'If you remain in ME and MY words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you'.
Gratitude is a powerful emotion that involves feeling thankful and appreciative. By practicing intentional activities like keeping a gratitude journal or expressing thanks, you can cultivate this positive emotion within yourself. It has been scientifically proven that gratitude has significant benefits for mental health, happiness, and relationships. Therefore, it is essential to make gratitude a part of your daily life to improve your overall well-being.
The choice is yours. Either you GO after the life you desire or settle for the life you get!!
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