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Calm Lake

Are you ready to embrace the energy of a brand new year? Are you ready to leave behind the challenges and setbacks of 2023, and step into 2024 with unwavering resilience?

Don’t let 2024 be a repeat of 2023. Elevate your goal setting for the new year with Resilient Resolutions.

Resilient Resolutions: Manifesting Your Best Year Yet in 2024.

Imagine this...a sacred space where you can unearth your deepest desires, nurture your dreams, and create a roadmap towards your most fulfilling life.

As a certified life coach, I am passionate about helping women like you establish goals that resonate from an authentic and intentional space. 

Introducing the

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Through Resilient Resolutions, you will receive a meticulously crafted workbook that will serve as your compass, guiding you toward your aspirations.


You'll get INSTANT access to:


  • Set Your Compass E-Book

  • J2J Manifestation Journal

  • J2J Note to Self E-Book

  • Tips and Tools for Better Awareness (PDF guide) to support your growth

  • 2 - 45 minute One-on-One Coaching Session three vital, empowering, and life-changing one-on-one coaching sessions that will be the catalyst for your growth. In these 45-minute sessions, we will dive deep into your intentions, dreams, and passions, uncovering the hidden treasures.

Honoring your path will lead to a life of joy! If not now, then when?​

So why choose to embark on this EXCLUSIVE journey with a certified life coach? I'll tell you:


  • Personalized Guidance: Working one-on-one allows us to tailor our approach to your unique needs. No two women are the same, and your journey towards self-discovery deserves to be personalized and nurtured.

  • Accountability and Support: As your dedicated coach, I will be your unwavering pillar of support, walking beside you every step of the way. We will overcome any obstacles that come your way, hand in hand, unravelling the immense power within you.

  • Deep Transformation: When you embark on this journey, you are not just setting goals; you are embarking on a path of profound self-discovery. Through our work together, you will experience a deep transformation, unlocking your true potential and manifesting your heart's desires.

The results speak for themselves. By investing in yourself and working with Honor Your Path, you will witness incredible shifts in your life. Picture yourself stepping into your power, achieving your goals with newfound clarity, and radiating resilience from every cell of your being. Your soul's purpose will shine brighter than ever before.


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Take my hand, let me support you, and together, we will manifest your best year yet.

I absolutely loved working with Coach C. She helped me be extraordinary, not as in being perfect, but to be present as my authentic self. Her style of coaching helps to identify and confirm what I can control and can’t control. It also helped me to not think it's all about me when communicating with others. I appreciate her level of compassion and respect her method of accountability!

Ramona Taylor, Honor Your Path Client




I help ambitious women focus on what is possible in the present and letting go of the past. We co-create mindsets that authentically fuel you to create healthy relationships, overcome obstacles, and put you first.


My goal is to help you figure out what you want, say no to anything that isn't it, let go of what no longer serves you, and find unapologetic joy.

True happiness comes from being true to yourself and aligning the mind, body, and spirit that will lead you to a life of healing, fulfillment, wholeness, and joy. You can have peace, and happiness, and be open to the serenity of life no matter what is happening around you when you create the space for it in principle and with intent... read more

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Rescue Your Authentic Self Once and For All!

We live in a culture that encourages us to be successful by only satisfying our "outer compass" (what we think other people want from us). The world tells you who you should be -- but the truth is, it's often not the person you want to be.

Are you ready to leave behind the struggles of the past and embark on a journey of courage, confidence, and consistency? Are you ready to manifest your best year yet in 2024? Together, we will create a vision that will be like a lamp unto your feet, and a light unto your path and guide you towards a life infused with purpose, resilience, and unapologetic joy.

Take a moment to check in with the one person who matters most…you!


Make a powerful choice to reclaim your true self


Register Now - Space is limited to 20 women only!




Take my hand, let me support you, and together, we will manifest your best year yet.

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Contact Us

As your coach I will support you in accomplishing your goals, help facilitate change, and provide you with tools to live a life you love.


I would love to hear from you. So, let's get started with your FREE 15-minute discovery call.

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© 2024 Honor Your Path Life Coaching

Designed by ProFRESHional Creations LLC

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